Saturday, May 2, 2009
Not too exciting but we met up with Diana and Tim at Borough Market for some shopping a drinks. Afterwards, Greg and I had tickets to see Romeo & Juliet at the Shakespeare's Globe Theatre. We had already seen a couple other plays but this is the one that I had really wanted to see. It was wonderful, we had great seats, the weather was so nice, and the actors were fantastic. Friar John was played by the father from The Whale Rider, so it is always good to see someone on stage that you have seen in a movie as well.
Delicious cheese sandwiches from Borough Market:
Romeo & Juliet cast:
Actor from Whale Rider:
The band:
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Greg and I were planning on meeting up with Lisa, Lilli, Terry, & Dean at Golder's Hill Park for a picnic. On the way I managed to run into Laurel, a wonderful lady that I work with, and her son Charlie. We walked with them to the park before heading our separate ways so we could meet up with everyone else. We walked around the park for a while, including the gardens, and then found a picnic table to enjoy our food.
Greg, Terry, Lisa, Dean, & Lilli at Golder's Hill Park:
Around the park:
We had such a good time, although the weather was cold and absolute crap. After we ate we went into the butterfly house, though there were only a few butterflies. After walking around a bit more we went our separate ways and Greg and I headed home.
Me with Lisa:
Butterfly in the butterfly house:
Monday, May 4, 2009
We didn't do too much during the Bank Holiday, but we did go to Little Venice and saw the boat show:

The next weekend took us to Cornwall, but that will be discussed in a later post.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
We stuck around London and started our day in Soho. Greg got a flat white from Flat White, he will sure miss those when were back in the States. After walking around Soho for a bit we took the tube out to the Arsenal Stadium. We needed to go buy a couple of souvenirs for people, and then we headed to the Camden Town Markets.
We had sushi at our favorite spot, Bento, and then did some shopping in the markets and at Cyberdog. We will miss the markets so much. We also went to the Original Doc Marten shop and I bought some real Doc Martens, pink ones of course. After much time spent at the markets we met Lisa & Lilli for some coffee and pastries at Caffe Nero. Greg and I then walked back to the markets and headed up to Gilgamesh for some drinks and tea. Gilgamesh is interesting in itself, it is a sushi / persian restaurant and over the top decorated in persian / egyptian decor.
My pink Doc Martens:
Inside Gilgamesh:
Entrance to Cyberdog:

Our next stop was meeting Diana & Georg at Wahaca in Covent Garden. Lawrence was working, so I did talk to him a bit and got some t-shirts as well. Today was definitely full of many of the things that we love about London and will surely miss.
Greg, Lawrence, and Me at Wahaca:
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Today was a rainy day, so we didn't do much, just enjoyed a Sunday Roast from Paradise.
Hadn't shown the girls much, so wanted to put a picture of them up...they have been very playful lately, including Chewy:
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