My last day of working with the NHS proved to be one full of mixed emotions. I was very sad to say goodbye. I loved working with everyone there and since the project isn't quite complete I feel torn about leaving it undone. I am not used to not finishing something. But everyone there was very supportive of me. I wish them all well. I was looking forward to my 2 week holiday in Italy though, so it was a very confusing day.
After work about 12 of us went next door to The Southern Belle (how appropriate) for a few leaving drinks for me. I want to say Thank You to everyone there, I had such a great time. Thanks to Claire, Adam, Margaret, Lizzie, Andy, Greg Tellis, Cathryn, Hilary, Vanessa, and my Greg. We enjoyed drinks and a few of us even enjoyed dinner later on. Thanks again!
My going away drinks Andy, Me and Greg

Claire & Vanessa
Cathryn & Vanessa
Greg Tellis, Adam, Andy, & Hilary
Margaret, Laurel, and Lizzie
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Greg and I went to Claridge's for a proper English afternoon tea. Yes, we have had afternoon tea at other places, and besides the Orangery, this one is my favorite. It is in a swanky hotel and their china is stunning, Tiffany blue and white striped. They bring you each your own pot of tea of your choosing along with a plate of sandwiches. When we were nearly done with the sandwiches they asked if we would like more. WHAT??? You never get free refills of anything in London.
Before afternoon tea, we stopped by the Taste of Spain and Greg won me a Woody Woodpecker doll:
Exterior of Claridges, yes they have doormen:
Me & Greg enjoying afternoon tea:
We graciously accepted some more egg salad ones. When your tea is low they take the pot away and bring you a fresh one. Again, free refills, we were shocked. Next they brought us a plate with 4 small deserts and another plate with 2 scones each and cream and jam. We ate our scones and started to split the deserts when we were asked if would like any more scones or deserts. I absolutely could not believe it. Had I known that we could have more scones, I wouldn't have gotten more sandwiches. Oh well, we were getting pretty stuffed by this point so we refused. We finished our tea and headed back home, there was no way we were moving after that. What a wonderful tea.
I absolutely love the china:
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