Today started early and we did a lot. Janeen and Ray picked us up from the airport at around 6:30 am local time and took us back to their place. We had breakfast and hung out a bit, and then hit the shower since we knew that we had to smell after spending so many hours on the plane. Afterwards, we felt more human and Ray took us around and showed us around Auckland a bit. We walked on one of the local beaches and then went to Musick Point which had a spectacular view.
All of the sightseeing was an excuse to kill time until around noon when we headed to the Cornwell Park and met up with relatives from all over New Zealand. We met a lot of really nice people and had a wonderful picnic. Once that broke up, we headed for the summit of One Tree Hill. While the tree had been chopped down, being up there offered us a 360 degree view of the surrounding area. That view was even more spectacular than the one earlier in the day.
Here is a picture of Aunt Pat at the picnic:

and here is one of the views from One Tree Hill:

After we left One Tree Hill, we headed for Janeen's parents house where we were treated to a wonderful home cooked meal. Adding to the enjoyment was the fact that Janeen's dad, Stewart, had a ton of pictures of my Mom, Aunt Becky, Aunt Pat, and Uncle David when they were really young. Also, there were some other pictures of Mom and Dad when they were younger, even some pictures of what looked like Gina.
After supper, we came home where we plan to crash early and start again tomorrow!
I remember that when I wrote to Janeen as a child that her address was One Tree Hill. I have also corresponed with Myra a little on the computer - she is about as bad a correspondent as I am so that fizzeled out after a while. The blog was a wonderful idea - helps us live it along with the two of you.
Mom & Dad
I am so glad you are having fun!!!! You will have to tell everyone hello for us. We are expecting snow here, so enjoy your beautiful weather!!! Will talk to you soon.
Sounds like your stay is already off to a great start. I will enjoy seeing the pictures as you know how much I like good scenery.
Thanks for the birthday e card.
It's rainy here (still) and one of the dogs is very sick. I think it is Mistic as she has been having some serious shakes since I got home tonight & I have found several surprises. Otherwise, your 2 are fine.
Love ya both
Hey there I'm glad you two made safe and having fun. I can't wait to hear about it and see the pics. I hpe ya'll have fun and be safe!
Love ya kevin
Forgot to tell you this -
I sent your blog to Becky, Tricia's sister who visited New Zealand in 1989. She has been following your trip and sent me an e-mail with a picture of her made at one tree hill beside the tree. Will keep it so you can see it when you get home.
Mom & Dad
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