Since we had such an action packed day yesterday enjoying everything in Rotorua at breakneck speed, we figured we'd slow things down a bit and enjoy ourselves as we headed to Blenheim. The entire morning was spent in various airports and on progressively smaller airplanes as we left Rotorua, headed to Wellington and finally made it to Blenheim airport which officially qualifies as the smallest airport we've ever seen.

To give you an idea, the luggage carousel was basically the cart that they used to take the luggage off of the plane. They just pulled it to the baggage claim "area" and parked it there.
We picked up our rental car and we were starved. So we headed out to Highfield Estates where we enjoyed lunch and a spectacular view of the vineyard.

From there, we went to several other vineyards and had a great time talking with everyone we met. One of the people suggested that we would enjoy Monkey Bay which inspired a wine that we have enjoyed in the past.

It was a 20 minute drive from Blenheim and we were really glad we did it. The area had spectacular views (I know everyone is tired of hearing that phrase.... I promise we'll get a thesaraus before the trip is over). There were these great natural caves and even black sand beaches (Janeen had told us about these and we were worried that we would be unable to see them). We know this picture is not the sand but the rocks were cool too.

After that, we drove back to the Hotel for some R and R and to grab some supper. Tami got the prawns. It was funny, they came out looking like normal shrimp except that they had two huge, whole prawns sitting on top of the whole dish that still had their heads. That meant that there were four beady eyes staring at Tami before she was able to dig in. Tami and I both feel that having your food watch you before you eat it is unsettling, so they had to go. That's a good tip for all of our friends and family, don't serve us food that stares back at us.
Tomorrow promises to be more fun. We're getting up very early to head down to Kaikoura to swim with the dolphins in the morning and go whale watching in the afternoon.
Good Morning,I guess you can tell how much I look forward to reading about your day. I love the pictures. The penguin is precious. Swimming with the dolphins is something I want to do. I still want to work with sea turtles. Have a great day. We love you both, Aunt Mary Ann andUncle David
Good Morning -
I,like Mary Ann, can hardly wait to log on and see what you have been doing the day before. You two really did your research before you went! Sounds like Janeen and Ray gave you some good tips also. The pictures are wonderful. We can hardly wait to see them!
Take care - be safe and know that we love you and are almost as excited about all this as you are.
Love -
Mom and Dad (Gwinn & Cliffy)
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