Finally, we had been waiting for a very long time for this day, nearly 6 months. It was the 1 day of the year that the NFL comes to London to host a game. Last year was a very boring game between the New York Giants and the Miami Dolphins. This year however was going to be a much more exciting game between the San Diego Chargers and the New Orleans Saints, both teams not having a good season and having just lost their last games. As ALL of the reports said, it was a "critical" game for both teams. Whatever, we were just ready for some good football (and not soccer).
Greg at Wembley Stadium:
The stadium ready for the game:
Before the game there was a tailgating party going on, New Orleans themed. The Saints were to be the home team so everything was geared toward them. We arrived at Wembley Stadium around 11 am to pick up our tickets and head to the tailgating. When we got in it had been going for about 30 minutes, but still not too many crowds. It was however raining :( We expected the rain, with it being football season and all, and had a good time anyways.
Me, taking a run with LT:
Greg as a NY Giant:
Me and my new car:
Mardi Gras style performers at the tailgating party:
We walked around to the different tents to see what all they had, and even grabbed a drink. Poor Greg, the event was sponsored by Coors so Coors Lite was the ONLY beer in the tailgating party. I had a cider instead. We headed up toward the stage area and watched some of the live entertainment and even watched the small Mardi Gras style parade that they had, complete with 3 floats. They even threw out beads, which we did manage to catch some. After the parade and a bit more live entertainment we decided to brave the lines for some jambalaya. They were expecting roughly 20,000 people at the tailgating party, so 6 small food vendors was not really enough. I waited in line for about 20 minutes for a measly helping of jambalaya (looked more like paella than any Cajun food we had ever seen) while Greg stood to get a couple more drinks. I also picked up a Pecan tart for Greg.
Me with the Saints mascot:
The 1st float in the parade (NFL):
The 3rd float in the parade (music of New Orleans):
Once done with that we walked around a bit more, saw people playing the games they had and ducking into the retail shop to have a brief look before going to get me a hot dog. No lie.....we stood in this line for over an hour. I don't think anyone there knew how to work one of these events. Oh well. I got a hot dog, Greg went ahead and got a hamburger since we had been there forever, and we shared some fries.
It was now close to 3, which is when they were going to open the gates, so we left the tailgating party and headed into the stadium. We found our seats and watched the teams warm up before venturing out to the corridor to buy a few souvenirs. Damn Lines everywhere! We stood here for about another 20 minutes before being able to get up to buy my teddy bear and other small things. We then went to grab a little bit more food (another hot dog for me and pizza for Greg) and another drink. This time however, the stadium only serves Carlsberg. Well, Greg quickly found out that he preferred another Coors Lite over Carlsberg. Guess if you really want a beer you will drink anything, I just had a coke.
Inside the stadium:
Drew Brees warming up:
The game was a blast, always moving and something going on, the stadium was packed, every single team jersey was represented, and the atmosphere was so alive. The best part was that the stadium was completely sold out. Greg nor I were really rooting for either team, but if we had to pick one it was the Chargers. We were more rooting for particular players on either team, trying to help our fantasy points along. The pregame show was Stereophonics performing with the Saints cheerleaders, the Saintsations, followed by Ne-Yo singing the American National Anthem, and then Joss Stone singing God Save the Queen. Half time was the same 3 Mardi Gras floats going around the stadium.
Pregame with Stereophonics:
Me and Greg at the game
The game was pretty close but the end was the best part. With less than a minute left, Drew Brees ran back into the end zone for a safety. This made the game 37 Saints to 32 Chargers. The Saints kicked off, Chargers returned for about 30 yards, and the clock went to 0. The people started to flood out of the stadium but the referee came over and said to put 1 second back on the clock, time for 1 last play. The Chargers were at about the 50, hail Mary time. About 8 guys jumped and had the Chargers actually managed to catch the ball they would have won. Everyone was holding their breath, but the ball bounced off someones hands and landed at about the 2 yard line. Game over, Saints won, but it was a fantastic game to watch.
The stadium at night:
Nice blog.
Beautiful pictures.
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hello fellow yanks- anyone know where one can watch a live football (NFL) game tonight? Visiting london but want to see some games on tv. thanks- carol
Bodeans in Soho is a great place to go (they have good BBQ too.) Aside from that, the Sports Cafe plays a lot more games, but it is quite pricy and loud. They are located close to Picadilly Circus.
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