Once a year a fantastic Caribbean Carnivale is held in London, known as the Notting Hill Carnivale. Along with the elaborate costumes, wonderful Caribbean food, and over a million people, you are also treated to lots and lots of trash.
We didn't really get to go last year, we watched the steel drum competition but didn't actually get to make it for the Carnivale, so we decided to go for a bit this year. Since we moved it is very close to us, we just took a bus down the road, about 4 stops, actually right where our grocery store is. To tell you how big this Carnivale is, the grocery store shuts down completely so the parking lot can be used for the parade participants, to get their costumes on and get in line for the parade. We watched for about 30 minutes, while some of the very loud floats went by and then headed to find some good Jamaican food. We did just that. We went to one place and grabbed some plantains while grabbing some jerk chicken and rice from another Jamaican vendor. Yummy, yummy!
There were over 1 million people in total and the amount of garbage (rubbish) on the streets was massive. But, the cleaners in London do an amazing job because it was pretty well cleaned up the next day, shocking!
This was like Amazon woman of the Carnivale:
Some of the many dancers in the parade for the Carnivale:
The costumes are massive and amazing. They even have stands for when they are not being worn, that is how big and heavy they are:
The King Tutankhamun exhibit has been in London since January and this weekend was the last weekend for it so we decided we should go ahead and go. Good thing we waited, we got half price tickets. We spent the day at Borough Market before heading to the O2 Millennium dome. This was our first time in this area, but the dome is so nice. There are lots of good restaurants inside, almost seems partly like a mall. We got into the exhibit and spent a bit over an hour there in total.
The exhibit was good, it was all artifacts pulled out of King Tut's tomb, and his families tombs. However, we have been to a couple other Egyptian exhibits and the one in Nashville was much better, they had actually recreated an Egyptian tomb. Oh well, it was still very cool to see a lot of things that he was actually buried with. There was so much gold, it was unbelievable.
Unfortunately you could not take pics at exhibit:
Tami at the O2 Dome:
On an even bigger note: OUR MOTORCYCLES ARE FINALLY REGISTERED!!!!!!!!!!! We hope to ride next weekend.
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