Today was to be an exciting day for us. We woke up early (3:30 am) for a car to pick us up and drive us to the airport at 4:00 am. We had to be at the airport at 6:00 am and none of the trains out there would have started running early enough so we had to get a drive, we got a great deal on it though. We got to the airport in plenty of time and ate breakfast before getting on the plane, good thing we did too. The plane was delayed over 45 minutes due to a passenger having a problem with their passport, so the luggage had to be unloaded so they could remove theirs. No big deal at all, finally we were off.
We arrived in Geneva, Switzerland, which looked like most any other city, although the airport layout is awful. We then boarded a bus that would take us to Saas Fee, Switzerland, about a 3 hour bus ride. We did not know that the bus would not have any food for us to buy or that we would not stop for a break on the way, so we were happy that we had eaten on the plane and that I had brought cookies just in case.
Most of the drive was great, lots of little vineyards on the side of the mountains and seeing Lake Geneva was great. It was a clear day and with the mountains behind the Lake it was breathtaking. The last hour of the drive to Saas Fee was the most spectacular drive that I have ever been on. The closer we got to Saas Fee the more amazing it became, more snow, more mountains, more curves, just completely picturesque. There were lots of little villages in the valleys, roofs all covered in snow, just like a Thomas Kinkade painting.
One of the valleys on the mountain near Geneva:

Lake Geneva:

A castle outside of Geneva:

One of the cute snow covered villages near Saas Fee:

One of the last mountains before we got to Saas Fee:

We finally made it to Saas Fee around 3:30 pm, where we had to unload the bus and wait for our hotel electric car to pick us and our luggage up. Saas Fee is a "Car-free" town, mainly the hotels, some restaurants and bars, and a few other places have little electric cars, it is quite nice there. We made it to the hotel, checked-in to our German inspired hotel, Hotel Europa, and immediately took off for the tourist information center where we picked up a few brochures to look at.
After 4:00 pm we were able to get our snowboarding gear, so we got fitted for boots and a board. This proved to be a pain in the rear to carry around, but what else are you going to do. Once done with this we headed to the hotel for our first of 7 5-course dinners. We immediately headed back to our room and crashed, it had been a long day.
By the way, our beds were Austrian doubles, which meant that it was just 2 single beds pushed together, on hard wood floors that is not a very good thing, every time you move while you sleep the beds move too. Oh well.
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