Today began at Kensington Palace, this is the home of many generations of royalty, including Princess Diana and Prince Charles. We got to tour the Palace and see a lot of attire from the different generations. We were also able to see some of Princess Diana's dresses and some never-before-seen pictures from a photo shoot with Vanity Fair. That was definitely the highlight, although the entire inside of the palace was impressive.
Kensington Palace also had a large garden and park outside, which was so beautiful and peaceful.

We left Kensington Palace and headed back to King's Cross for lunch at Mor-ish (we needed to change shoes, our feet hurt already). Mor-ish was a great little greek place that served all types of food. We then headed out to see some more sights of London, including Kings Cross train station and St. Pancras Station (pics in a later post). We then headed out to see some various parks. We saw a little bit of Hyde Park but mainly we sat on a park bench in Regents' Park, it was so peaceful. It was great to see so many people out and about walking, riding bikes, having picnics, or just sitting and enjoying the outdoors.
Here you can see that we visited the famous Baker Street and were able to see the statue of Sherlock Holmes. (We tried several times but couldn't get a picture without the other foreigners)

We left Baker Street and decided to enter this place called Harrod's, or better known as shopping heaven. Harrod's is a very large, expensive department store that contains pretty much every single department that you can think of any type of store having. We spent nearly 5 hours here. They had your typical clothing, purses, and shoe departments (nothing we could afford) but they also had departments like musical instruments, electronics, a pet store, furniture, a guitar exhibit, and 2 floors of nothing but food. Oh my goodness the food, I couldn't believe my eyes. They had a whole wall of nothing but cheese, which we ate a lot of on this trip, 2 rows of meats and seafood, about 8 counters of chocolate, 3 counters of coffee, a couple of tea, an entire bakery, prepared foods galore, sushi, pizza, pastas, and so on and so on. You name it they had it. They even had a Krispy Kreme donut store that had a line of about 20 people in it, man did it smell good. Anybody who likes to shop should definitely go there. They also have about 8 restaurants in this one store. We ended up stopping for a break at a small cafe and having a milk shake, yummy yummy!
Monday, Feb 19, 2007
Today was the day we went back to downtown London to take a trip on the London Eye. The Eye was built for the millennium celebration. It is a huge ferris wheel type ride that you stand inside of. They have multiple pods that go around that take nearly 30 minutes to go a full rotation. You get to see some of the most amazing views of the city from here, well worth the ride.

Above is the actual London Eye and below is Greg and me on it. We were able to see a lot of buildings from the sky that we had seen on the ground, it makes them look a lot different.

Here is a picture of Parliament and Big Ben from the London Eye.

After the London Eye we walked around downtown London some more and ended up meeting Dan for lunch. He knew we liked Mexican food so he took us to Beach Burrito, it is kind of like Willy's. A good time was had by all, and we really enjoyed getting to see him one last time before we left, too bad Rebecca couldn't have joined us. We hung out with him until he had to go back to work and then we continued on our way. We walked through Chinatown and Soho and through some other areas of London that I will mention in another post.
We then went back to Kensington Palace to have a traditional English tea. It was great. For only 9 pounds we had tea, scones, cucumber sandwiches, and lemon cake. It was so fantastic, we didn't even eat dinner that night because we were so full.
We left afternoon tea and walked through Hyde Park. We had no idea how big it was. We walked for over an hour just to get across it. At one point we saw a road and thought we were at the end, ended up being the entrance that cuts the park in half.
Tuesday Feb 20, 2007
Today was the day to go home, we were sad but ready to see our puppies. We ate breakfast at Mor-ish. It happened to be pancake day so I had a pancake for breakfast, how appropriate. We had to hop a train to the airport and then had a layover in Detroit, we ate dinner at Jose Cuervo and then headed on back to Atlanta. Greg bought me tulips as a late Valentine's Day gift that miraculously made it through customs and immigration and I was able to bring them home, all the way from London. They even survived at home for about a week.
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