Friday, June 30, 2006

The School is going to the Dogs!!!!

Graduation day.....Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Today Daisy Adair graduated from her beginning obedience training class. Training had been going well but the final night was filled with stubbornness. We were to have a sit-stay contest and the dog who would sit for the longest won a prize. At home we had been able to get her to sit for almost 2 minutes without moving. However, it class she would not sit at all, we were out of the contest before it even began.

Oh well, she still graduated. Isn't she so cute in her cap.

Also graduating is her friend Murphy, he is a handful but so cute.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

and a good time was had by all....

This weekend, we traveled up to Dillard for our Aunt Mary Ann's birthday party. I dragged my drums up there and Dad brought his piano and we played a lot with Uncle David and his group which was a lot of fun. As an added bonus, that will serve as practice to our 1 "gig" that we play every year at the Tignall Fall Festival. Anyway, we got to meet a lot of Aunt Mary Ann's friends and visit with everyone who we don't get to see nearly enough, so it was a lot of fun.

Moving on to the dogs. We came home Sunday from running some errands and found Chewy covered with something sticky. We had no idea what it was, but it quickly became obvious that her ear was in a lot of pain. She was a mess, so we gave her a bath.

We also gave all of the other dogs a bath since they were due, so Daisy had her first one (and she wasn't very happy....)

We did give her the traditional "mohawk"

We took Chewy to the vet on Monday morning, and it turns out that she has a bad ear infection. We're putting drops in her ears twice a day, and we're already seeing an improvement. She is much happier.

On the Willow front, she went to the doctor yesterday and they removed the staples. They said that she's doing pretty good, but now we're going to start doing short walks and help her stretch out the legs to make everything work properly again. She has started to put her foot down a little, but not putting much weight on it yet. On the plus side, the lampshade is being retired and she can pick at her leg all she wants now :)

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


In the interest of equal time, I realize that Chewy hasn't gotten nearly as much time, which is really a shame since I have plenty of cute pictures of her. So, without further adieu:

and the big finish is Chewy playing hide and seek with Chopper:

Animal House

Willow is still doing good. We have to just keep her from hurting herself since she wants to be so active. It's hard to see in this picture, but if you look closely, you can see the scar on her knee. Unfortunately, they shaved her entire leg, so she looks a little unbalanced:

Also during this time, Tami's mom Mindy sold her house, so she's staying with us until she gets a new one. Which means the number of animals in our house doubled. Here are the new ones:

This is Millie. Millie is Willow's sister, so you will probably notice the family resemblence.

Next up is Mystic. She is about a year older than Daisy Adair and has a pretty similiar temperment, so they get along really well.

and finally we have Chopper. Chopper is the only male of the bunch and is still getting used to being an indoor cat.

Daisy Adair helps out with the cat by walking him and keeping him from jumping on the counters.... she has her work cut out for her.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Between the Benches

First off, the important stuff. Willow still appears to be very well. She doesn't move her leg much, but still doesn't appear to be in any pain. She is, however, very VERY stir-crazy being locked up in the cage. We take the lampshade on and off depending on if she is leaving her wound alone or not. Sleeping is another story since she is unhappy about being put in a crate at nice.... and the upstairs crate isn't nearly as big or posh.

Last night we went to game 4 of the Kelly Cup playoffs for the Gwinnett Gladiators. They have been doing really bad in this particular series and were down 3-0 in this best of seven playoff series. So it was do or die time. Fortunately, the team came out strong and ended the first period with a 2-0 lead. It was all good after that as they extended their lead and ended up winning the game 6-1 (the other team scored with around 2 minutes left in the game because they had a two man advantage power play.)

As if the game wasn't exciting enough, Tami was walking around after the Second period intermission and spoke with one of the staff that she speaks to everytime she sees them. Turns out, the person who had won the "Between the Benches" contest didn't show up where they were supposed to be and she had 2 minutes to get someone down there, so she asked Tami if she wanted to go. Anyone who knows Tami will realize that she was jumping up and down by this point!

For anyone unfamiliar with the "Between the Benches" contest, here is how it works. The winner gets to sit for one period on ice level in a little enclosed room between the benches where the home team and the visiting team sits. It is great because you are right next to all of the players, you can even see which ones are missing teeth!

and boy, did Tami pick a great game/period to get those seats. We got to see a goal, a big brawl, and even hear the coaches hurl obscenities at the refs..... good times! Towards the end of the game, the Penalty boxes were getting pretty full of players and a few even got ejected because of everything that was going on. Unfortunately, we didn't bring a camera with us to the game, so don't have any exciting pics to share.